Not exactly. If the intention is to purposely make the code so badly
sent that a Technician couldn't copy it with a machine....
"See! I knew it! I'm going straight to hell, right along with Mr.
Mr. Farnsworth developed a teaching method. In the Farnsworth method,
as the speed approaches 20wpm, the differences between Farnsworth and
Morse begin fading away, and are gone entirely at 20wpm. The
Farnsworth teaching method is not meant to be implemented as Morse
Code, but you and all the rest of you OF's pretty much do as you
please. After all, you own ham radio.
Here's an example: "Leff right leff" is a method of teaching marching.
It is not a legitimate way to call cadence and is abandoned once
recruits learn to march, not that the Navy does much marching or needs
to know left from right. They got starboards, bulkheads and decks.
"BTW, who brought up "Technician"? I'm an equal opportunity sort of
guy; I don't
care what the license class of the robot is."
One of the old farts, now SK, was specifically targeting the NCT's with
his illegible "banana boat swing" transmissions. He said so himself,
and that is the incident that both you and I are referring back to.
73 and Merry Christmas, bb