I suppose those whips are good in the boonies, but they are way too
noisy for most real life applications. The cascode should be a good
design, i.e. lots of isolation.
RHF wrote:
ERIC - Thank You for the Link ~ RHF
More Active Antenna Experiments . . .
Well Written + Good Photos + Detailed Schematics
- - - by 'who' ? ? ?
* Introduction
* The Tuned Whip
* Common Gate Amplifier Version
- 10 MHz Tuned Whip Active Antenna
* Cascode JFET Amplifier Version
* Broadband Output Version
* Tuning a Whip To Other Frequencies
* How to find the correct trimmer capacitor
* for any tuned circuit you wish to resonate
* Building An Active Antenna
* Some Practical Examples : 40 and 41 Meter Band
- 40-41 Meter Band Active Antenna
* 5 MHz WWV Cascode Bipolar Amplifier
* Final Comments
* Experiments by Other Builders
tyvm - iane ~ RHF
. .
= = = In ,
= = = s*nicxc*ve wrote:
Well I have gotten a bit closer. I have seen what the Commercial
Folks want for these units [$130-$600] and they are just using
old circuits that have been around for years it seems. Granted
they use upgraded components [transistor substitution sheets
offer those] and pretty cases, but the concept has not changed.
There is a start. I am bound and determined to find all that I can
on the topic and pass it along.
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= = = = = Translation = = = = =
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. .