Comparing the Icom IC-R75 to the Eton E1 Radio - Three Major Problems . . .
I'm not used to being a big defender of the R75, but I must say I'm not
sure I understand the point of this comparison. The R75 was never meant
to be a portable, was it? To my eye, it doesn't look like it was
intended for portable operation. So, I don't see why it should this
should count as a 'shortcoming'. I guess we could also say that the E1
'beats' the R8B in regard to portability, though if we're going to talk
this way we should also point out that the little Grundig mini-world
puts the E1 to shame when it comes to portability.
Why does it matter that the R75 has no FM band and no XM? In
particular, why do you say that these constitute shortcomings? In my
opinion these things can only count in the R75's favor. And you don't
mention the fact that the E1 lacks twin passband tuning, is mostly
plastic, tends to be inaccurately aligned, and so on and so on.
I guess I don't get it, really. The E1 is a good, if overpriced,
portable receiver. Why isn't that enough? Do we have to be "loyal" to
the E1 and does this "loyalty" require us to shortchange the R75 and
all other receiver that are obviously a cut above the E1? This is the
kind of attitude people took toward the Sat 800 and I hate to see it
happen again, with the E1.