From this week's ARNewsline(#1473):
British hams have told U-K Radio Regulator Ofcom that they do not want
lifetime licenses. This in a poll commissioned by the regulatory agency.
Jeramy Boot, G4NJH, is in Nottingham in the U-K, with mo
The majority of radio amateurs want to keep the existing amateur radio
licensing regime or change to a longer license renewal period rather than
switch to a license for life, according to an Ofcom commissioned MORI poll
into the future of amateur radio in the UK.
The survey of 1,572 amateurs also revealed that two-thirds of amateur
radio licensees believe that the current licensing arrangement is "about
Ofcom is keen to issue amateur radio licenses for life. But 52% of
respondents to the MORI survey said they prefer either the existing
arrangement or an extended renewal period.
Among members of the RSGB, the life-time license is even less popular, with
around two-thirds favoring the current arrangement or a longer renewal
period. Only a third preferred a life-time license. Interestingly, support
for the lifetime license was less among frequent radio users than among
those who use their radios irregularly.
Of those who wanted a longer renewal period, 60% preferred a five year
renewal period, 23% a three year renewal period and only 10% a ten years or
more renewal period. The survey also showed that only a tiny minority (1%)
wanted to abolish the licensing arrangement altogether, radio amateurs
generally believing that the licensing system was vital in maintaining
standards of on-air operation. Less than 1% wanted to replace the current
Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced licenses with something else.
Radio amateurs were generally also not keen on Ofcom's plans for web-based
electronic licenses, with only two in five giving their support to this
idea in spite of Ofcom offering to provide a license postal service for
those who don't have access to the Internet.
I'm G4NJH, in Nottinhgam.
The results of the poll do not appear to be in any way binding on Ofcom
which previously stated that it wants to issue ham radio licenses for life.