God bless you; you're just the man I'm looking for.
Do you have any idea what the MF ARC-5 transmitters
were for? These are the rare :
T-15, 500-800 KC
T-16, 800-1300 KC
T-17, 1300-2100 KC
The latest theory is that they were used in joint
maneuvers with third-world allied navies,
where were still using the 1920s-agreed navy
frequencies below 2 MC.
There so much I would love to ask you about
these sets, if you don't mind the trouble.
I'm a serious historian of the
Command Set series and gentlemen like yourself
are a treasure to find.
73 DE Dave Stinson AB5S
Spike wrote:
Nostalgia. When drafted into the Navy is 1943
my first job was setting up ARC-5 transmitters
and receivers in 336 SNJ (AT-6) aircraft. (among
other things) Later after the war when there wasn't
much money around, I would rewind ARC-5 receivers
and use them for ten-meter converters. In those days
tapping on the case of just about any transmitter or
receiver would produce some modulation. Except for
Collins equipment. The ARC-5 VHF transmitters were
truly awe inspiring when they arrived. 73s W6BWY