Radio Legends Denounce Baxter
Leo Meyerson, founder of WRL and Galaxy Electronics says Glenn Baxter is apparently using his name and picture to generate publicity for AARA and IARN. Myerson says he's well aware of Baxter's activities and he completely disapproves! Myerson says he has no affiliation with ex-k1man and he never has had an affiliation. "Baxter butted into a conversation between me an my wife at Dayton and the clown wouldn't leave until we had our picture taken with him. To say I'm affiliated with Baxter is like saying Saddam Hussein is a member of the Boy Scouts. It's ridiculous."
Myerson is the second living legend to dnounce Baxter in the last 6 months. The first, Walter Cronkite, wrote a letter exposing Baxter's lack of ethics. Cronkite went on to ask the FCC to DENY FCC license renewal to k1man.
Glenn's sponge-boy and bath house attendant N9OGL reportedly responded to the news, saying, "I love Glenn, and the c0ckzugging FCC can byte me! When I move out of my parents basement, I plan to have an even better show than Baxter, and no panzy-azzes at the FCC can stop me neither. You'll see, you'll all see!"
Todd was later unavailable for comment and was said to be under heavy sedation at the Taylorville Hospital for the Criminally Potty-Mouthed.
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