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Old December 17th 04, 05:57 PM
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On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 14:06:57 UTC, (Brokebob) wrote:

Don't be satisfied with a simple arrangement that lets you get by. I worked CW
traffic nets at different level years ago with a thumping, banging system using
headphones and now I wear two hearing aids and regret the nights that I called
myself having a great time. Wish I could do it again and do it better!
(broke=not working, retired=not working, retired=broke)

I copy ya, man.

That's a good reason for me to stay persistant and get the best,
smoothest, real QSK system possible. This stuff about "two
antennas" and let the AGC handle it, isn't right. I'd be trying to
hear an S7 signal through my own S9+40 signal hammering away.

I mentioned putting a pot in the mute line of my old SX-101A. That
worked great.

I was using a dowkey relay but that let me turn down the receiver
gain on transmit. The only problem with that was I was using an
HT-37 with the automatic changeover mod. It, and the dowkey relay
were too slow for QSK.

I know what I want. I've heard it on a Triton IV. Others have
described their Heathkit twins with QSK done right. Signal/One is
pretty good too.

At 57 my hearing is not what it used to be. I'm not on hearing aids
yet so I'm trying to keep every bit of that's left.

I've been mulling over my speaker system. I use cheap hi-fi
speakers with the tweeters disabled. I'm going for smooth, clean,
rich sound.

I'll give the bk175 kit a try. The write up on the
site sounds like it does what I want. I hope it'll all fit in the
case I have.

de ah6gi/4 boatanchor qsk here I come.