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Old November 8th 05, 09:56 AM
an old friend
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Default Can Stevie be trusted to make professional treament of a pagan?

K4YZ wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
"Sir Markie of Paganopolis"
just an example of Stevie language If you knew Stevie LPN was making
such a statement, and you were a pagan (or a muslim for that matter)
would you trust him with your life?

If they want the best chance for getting out of a bad situation,
they do.

Wow! Steve is the best hope that a Pagan or Muslim can hope for.

Or Christian..or Hindu..or Buddhist...etc etc etc...and having a
heart attack or stroke, yeah...You'd want me by your side.

obviously not Steve and you should look at that fact

niether I nor Brain would knowingly consent to you having any part in
our treatment in an ER or anywhere else

Len I suspect would agree although he has not rung in on this one

your attitude is so bad we don't trust you with pataint care

I would realy like to know where you work I'll promise not to call. I
want to know becuase I would insist on being taken someplace else
becuase you worked there

even at the risk of my life. I would never willing place it in your

Since you mention Islam, Markie, do YOU know the Five Pillars of

Hmmm? The Five Pillars? Hmmm? Does Jim/N2EY know of the five pillars
or does Jim/N2EY not know of the 5 pillars?

The question was directed at Jim.

why was it derected at Jim?

or is that another typo from the MMM

It was directed at Markie.

indeed but it rather like asking you if you have stoped beating your
wife yet?

For that matter. does Steve know of the Five Pillars?


Does a Five Pillars expert need to report to RRAP

Was that a question or a statement?

obviosly a question can't you see the question mark?

Five Pillars Expert report to RRAP, thanks.

Sheesh, Brain. You and Markie are the ones making allusions that I
have no sensitivities towards others based upon their religions...Yet
all you can do is make fun of their religions...I at least have some
fundamental understanding of the framework of those religions.

really? when you going to display it?

Wassup with that?

I would not esp when it isn't just the one statement

That's because you're an idiot that can't seperate USENET from
"real life".

Consider it "Real Web TV." ###hole.

Oh! THAT was MEANINGFUL! Poignant! Seperates the men from the

I should the men stay seperate from the boys at all times

Stevie you need to realize you are currently a NURSE and a PROFESSIONAL
and a licensed one at that ,a nd therefore you need to be doing better
and claener than alot of folks

"and" "cleaner"

And Markie, from a guy who claims to have a 248 IQ, a Bachelor's
degree and a "comfortable lifestyle", YOU need to be leading by
example, not making snide remarks about being "cleaner". Especially
after those "solid waste" remarks...To have even CONTEMPLATED them was
disgusting, and to have made them in public was absolutely assinine.

"Putz" "liar" "deceitful" "coward" "homosexual" "pedophile"

Talking about public remarks...

Yep. And not a one of them a profanity.


BTW, Markie, unless someone has "JEW" or "CHRISTIAN" or other
religious preference tatooed on their head, I never know what their
preferences are. I don't particularly care, either, unless it involves
human sacrifice.




You make it a point to call Len a JEWish "Putz."

Lennie IS a "putz". I've NEVER made any inference as to what
religion he may be. I don't think I'd care to know.......

hmm? I will have to see what Google has to say about that and get back
to you

my memory right off say you have but maybe I my memory is wrong

cuting the rant

Mark a Homosexual Pagan.

Mark IS a homosexual Pagan. He's said so himself.

a stevie lie

I am a Bisexaul pagan

you can't even accept that I am of the sexual orientation that I am
without trying to lie about it

So where's the "lie", Brain...?!?!

when you said homosexual and when you said I said i was one

Steve, K4YZ