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Old November 9th 05, 03:00 AM
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Default Do the old school have a point?

On Mon, 7 Nov 2005 06:55:16 -0000, "Peter"

"Scott in Baltimore" wrote...
From this week's ARNewsline(#1473):

The majority of radio amateurs want to keep the existing amateur radio
licensing regime or change to a longer license renewal period rather than
switch to a license for life,

If people want to play with the figures in that way...
More people want to change the licensing rules than want to keep it as it is.

Once you start adding together figures from different groups, you can make it what you want.
For example, how often does a Prime Minister or President get in power with over 50%?
As is usual for a government, more people wanted Tony Blair out than wanted him in! You can
only combine figures if you can combine the actions in the same way. Fine if you want to
divide power between two political groups, but you cannot combine keeping the same licence
rules with changing the length... it's either one or the other.

in the US it noramly the case that you need more than 50 persent to be
elected (not much more) and there are ofcourse kinky exception in the
Us system in theroy would allow a president to take office with some
about 25 % of the vote if they lived in exactly the right places
(althought wether such apresident could govern is good question


I oppose Life licensing of the US or anywhere else

just because it mean that the dead are not likely to draged out od the
pool of "license holders" after all if they find a way to DX back to
us out of the beyond I don't think they will need a license to be do (
are Heaven and Hell DXCC entiies yet?)

Playing with figures that way shows that a much larger majority oppose the yearly licence. If
people want to use the figures that way then, as 52% are opposed to licensing for life while a
larger 71% are opposed to yearly licensing, there can be no choice but to change the licence.

Personally, I think that a longer period would be a good middle ground to take. Those wanting
a lifetime licence should not complain, as it is a move in their direction.
So, although 26% may be unhappy, the large majority of Amateurs should be happy with that
result. If that 26% cannot accept simply extending the period, which would still require
renewal, Maybe Ofcom could allow them to renew their licence yearly.
Why deny them the opportunity to fill in unnecessary paperwork and to throw money at the



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