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Old November 9th 05, 08:00 PM
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Default Carl Stevenson Elected

On 9 Nov 2005 10:40:39 -0800, wrote:

From: on Nov 8, 5:55 pm

On 8 Nov 2005 17:18:20 -0800, wrote:

Carl Stevenson was elected Member at Large of the IEEE Standards
Association in IEEE news e-mailed to members today. He will serve
a 2-year term beginning 1 January 2006. Carl is also Executive
Director of No Code International.

not being a memeber of the IEEE(and not being licensed engineer I
don't think I am eleible) I am not esp familer with just what this

How many people hold the same level as carl nnow etc

One other that I know about: L. Bruce McClung, elected in the
same category, same day as Carl.

IEEE Standards Association sets many of the standards in use in
electronics, followed voluntarily by designers, manufacturers,
governments. Carl has been active in the Standards Association
for years, particularly the "588" group (Wi-Max, Wi-Fi, etc).

One does NOT have to be a "licensed engineer" to belong to the
IEEE as a member. There are two ways to do it: Have a degree
in engineering; have at least three written affidavits by IEEE
members vouching for an applicants' ability as an engineer.

"Licensed engineers" are those who have passed STATE exams in
state legislated areas of engineering.

For further information on IEEE go to

congrats Carl, but a bit more context if you don't mind Len

I thought it terribly IRONIC that long-time radio amateur
AT THE ARRL (an AMATEUR organization), managed to not only
GET ON a ballot of the IEEE (a PROFESSIONAL association), and
WIN! :-)

agreed very ironic also very ARRL if i may put it that way

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