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Old November 9th 05, 08:53 PM
itchy sanshez
Posts: n/a
Default an update on Stevie mark will sue!

wrote in message
well been digging the archives on Stevie
located some 105 posst of his misdeeds dumping a lot of the repitivie

some of the gems

the false stament that abortion is a ilegal

setvie saying someone should take an med in his professional opinion

stevie claiming people other than myself have aids

stevie claiming someone beside myself is gay

Stevie advocating suicide I am sure they love that one

Stevie seems to think he will be able to defends his lies by claiming
I lied or Len and the tooth fary lied

stevie LPN will be challenged based on Stevie's own words

indeed it is stevie that told it could be, a point tennessee seesm to
agree with

the form they want filled out arrvied yesterday I think i have combed
as much out of Google as I can stand

in short I don't think Stevie is fit to be nurse, will shall se what
tennessee think after i hack through all these post highlight the
relavant passages and forwrd them for tthier review

just a good citiizen should

feel free to resume threatening me now stevie
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Are you going to report him again markie?