an update on Stevie
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November 10th 05, 03:56 AM
an old friend
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an update on Stevie
well been digging the archives on Stevie
Here's a few:
160. Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Jun 28 2004, 1:58 am hide options
From: (Steve Robeson, K4CAP) - Find messages by this
Date: 27 Jun 2004 23:58:14 -0700
Local: Mon, Jun 28 2004 1:58 am
Subject: Temper Fry, Was Able Baker Charlie
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(William) wrote in message
. com...
He yell and yell, he hate me and hate me. Now he say he spect better
from me.
Maybe trap or lie. I no trust.
He noisy. He yell and yell.
Why he want military gear? I 'member. He say he militia.
Why he fixated with boys? He need get help. Take somekinda sumptin.
No badge as boy. Must compensate now.
I re-extend my offer to use my professional contacts to help you,
Brain. It always looks better on your record to appear as having been
aware you ahve a problem and taking steps to fix it, than to be
involuntarilly commited in order to force the issue.
I can make that happen for you, Brain. Shall I make the
Steve, K4YZ
Steve offers to have Brain committed, will look better on Brian's
got that one myself
but i had missed the one below thank you for your help
BTW I will be submitting this stuff under a from that simply terms it a
report It even has the option to leave My own name off of it but I will
sign it myself I hope to finsih it off by the weekend
348. Steve Robeson K4CAP
Mar 25 2004, 9:17 am hide options
From: (Steve Robeson K4CAP) - Find messages by this author
Date: 25 Mar 2004 14:17:01 GMT
Local: Thurs, Mar 25 2004 9:17 am
Subject: Ham-radio is a hobby not a service
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Subject: Ham-radio is a hobby not a service
From: (William)
Date: 3/24/2004 6:08 PM Central Standard Time
(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message
Subject: Ham-radio is a hobby not a service
From: (William)
Date: 3/19/2004 6:16 PM Central Standard Time
I know only one Steve Roberson and he's nuts.
Well..."Steve Roberson" MAY be nuts.
I am not.
YOU, on the other hand, are not truthful.
Steve, K4YZ
I stand corrected.
Steve Robeson is nuts.
You've made another assertion of fact, Brain.
That assertion would be, in most cases, the rendering of a
which requires a degree as a medical doctor.
Are you now telling us that you are a medical doctor?
Please cite what criteria you base this diagnosis on?
That I have labled you a liar after having presented you with your
words only to have you try and deny it...?!?!
Or that I have labeled you a liar becasue you've made OTHER
assertions of
fact for which you refuse to corroborate with some reasonably valid
Steve, K4YZ
Steve jumps up and down, thinks "nuts" is a medical diagnosis. Wonder
where he got his medical training?
Meanwhile Steve diagnoses a brand name drug to a person on the internet
(across state lines) and follows it up with a comment that it's his
"professional" opinion.
Hmmm? Did he get any medical training at all?
I hosetly think he did Brain but in his case I think the beeping of
Morse encoded CW has driven alot of it from his brain
you have also sugested a another keyowrd or 2 to for my searches back
the **** mine
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