Value of a boatanchor.
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December 22nd 04, 11:45 AM
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On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 02:58:51 UTC,
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Watch the Antique Roadshow. Weird, screwy stuff is priced at
incredible numbers. Ugly furniture, carvings, ceramics,
paintings, books, most things I'd say, "what would I do with
that?" Incredible numbers like $10,000, $25,000, $80,000.
Use a big grain of salt with what you see on the Antique Roadshow.
They have been know to appaise modern, sub $100 replicas at tens of
thousands of dollars among other things; it is TV.
But who wants that stuff as opposed to, say, a 75A-4 or a Ranger II?
What about the multi thousand dollar giant wood chicken that was
featured on one show?
Let's see, wood chicken, Alpha 374. Chicken, 374? The fact that
an Alpha 374 goes for only $1,000 means that the our civilization
values a wood chicken more.
de ah6gi/4 more ramblings about radio values at
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