FWIW, I have never seen anything damaged that was wrapped in at least 4
layers of LARGE type bubble wrap. No need to double box if you use that
stuff usually.
For ultimate control panel protection, go to a fabric or upholstery shop and
get some high density foam in 4" or 5" thickness and place it over the
control panel. THEN wrap with large bubble wrap. The HD foam is NOT cheap,
however, I paid $12 for a 24" x 24" pc last time I think. But sometimes you
can get smaller scraps for less. The upholstery shops are usually better
about selling stuff under 18" cheap because they cant use it in a regular
chair or couch cushion.
Mark Oppat
"Bill Powell" wrote in message
To-date, I have found VERY FEW (eBay) people who have the FOGGIEST
idea of how to properly pack a boatanchor. Especially the "trust me -
I'm an eBay professional" types.
So... I've been insisting on (and paying for) double boxing and heavy
cardboard boxes.
However. . . The "Joe Average" average double-box job can (usually)
lead to a crunched front panel - or worse.
A Knight transmitter I recently received was double-boxed with the
inner cushioned from the outer with a 1.5" layer of peanuts. However,
the front-panel of the transmitter had been stood off the side of the
inner box with a thick sheet of solid, hard styrofoam.
Right now I'm assuming that the "locked" shafts are simply due to the
knobs being scrunched just a little bit tighter against the front
panel than they should be.
I hope.
OTOH, a Johnson Viking Valiant (just add chain - no concrete required)
I received was so well packed that despite being dropped, the only
things amiss were a "floating" audio interstage under the chassis and
severely bent mountings on the mod transformer: absolutely NO front
panel damage or tube breakage!
My quest for knowledge:
Has anyone here tried DIY foam-in-place?
I'm talking about embalming the hunk-o-iron in double heavy duty
trashbags, shooting "some" (think of a kid with a can of whipped
cream) of the DIY spray-in foam insulation into the 4 corners of the
inner box and then setting the bagged anchor into the mess till it
sets. A follow-up would (hopefully) lock the bagged goodie
more-or-less into the middle of the box.
Or am I just gonna make a nasty mess?
Bill - WB1GOT
Oh - getting the thing back out is someone elses problem. :-)