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Old November 10th 05, 10:54 PM
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Default Carl Stevenson Elected To IEEE Post

From: on Nov 9, 5:55 pm

From: on Nov 9, 4:04 pm
From: on Nov 8, 5:55 pm
On 8 Nov 2005 17:18:20 -0800, wrote:

Carl Stevenson was elected Member at Large of the IEEE Standards
Association in IEEE news e-mailed to members today.

Many of us have sent him our congratulations.

What do you mean "we?" You wouldn't have known about an IEEE
election without a notice from an IEEE member. YOU are NOT
an IEEE member.

Mouse. Pocket.

Notice that Jimmie worded his sentence about "congratulations"
to NOT SPECIFICALLY SAY that J. P. Miccolis congratulated him.
Gives the impression, the implication that he did without
committing his name to some "fact."

WE don't know where or what YOUR "professional" electronics
activity is/involves. You could be taking lessons from
Dudly the Imposter.

Speaks as an authority on space science, Has trouble with distance to
the moon.

Jimmie has lots of troubles. Like telling EXACTLY what he does
for a living as a "professional."

I thought it terribly IRONIC that long-time radio amateur
AT THE ARRL (an AMATEUR organization), managed to not only
GET ON a ballot of the IEEE (a PROFESSIONAL association), and
WIN! :-)

Not ironic at all.


The standards of amateurism are different. Ask Jim Thorpe.

Dead a long time ago. Do you talk to the dead?!?

Other than the BoD that is...

Why would an atheist think he could talk to the dead? Reminds me of
Steve's recent attempt to talk to W0EX.

Dudly the Imposter can do ANYTHING. He just hasn't gotten around
to claiming everything yet... :-)

Carl had more than enough signatures on his nomination papers.
But the Executive Committee that decides such matters though there
was a conflict of interest between his professional duties and being
an ARRL Director, and declared him ineligible to run. That decision
was not reversed by the BoD.

We've all seen your parroting of ARRL-is-god spin in here
before on that matter.

Put a cork in it and go to your seance. Ask Jim Fixx.

He'll blow right by Jim Fixx and got straight to Hiram. Jim got clout.

Heh hehe. Last time I mentioned "Jim Fixx," Jimmie did NOT
seem to know who that person was.

Fixx was an author of at least one best-selling book on RUNNING.

Claimed it "prevented heart problems." Fixx died while running,
of a heart attack. Ironic.

Some members of ARRL, particularly in the Atlantic Division, did not
agree with that decision, and made their disagreement known to the
BoD, the other officers of ARRL, and anybody else involved. Those
efforts to get him on the ballot were, unfortunately, not successful.

One cannot argue with the dead.

One cannot argue with morsemen.

Hard to tell the difference there...

If the hierarchy of ARRL doesn't want someone anywhere close
to their entrenched POWER, that's it.

In 2003 Dave Sumner pulled down an annual salary of $137,558
plus $9,239 in Benefits plus $7,829 in "expenses." [source:
ARRL federal income tax returns for 2003 filed in 2004] Not
bad for being an executive vice president and "secretary."
That's higher than most managers in the electronics industry.
It's understandable that such would be very protective of
their income.

In 2003 ARRL had 23 paid positions making over $50,000 a year.
Only 10 of those were listed on the IRS returns for 2003.
Not bad for a supposedly altruistic membership organization
of only 145 thousand members supposedly "representing" all
700+ thousand United States radio amateurs. Like they make
"no profit" from their many books and other publications...

If ARRL loses membership, loses sales, well, there goes the
income. "It's all about the money with them" might fit as
Jimmie likes to put it...

btw, it is interesting to note the name of Carl's firm.

Why? Because he has one and you do not?

Jimmie probably thinks amateur radio terms are somehow
"copyrighted" and MUST NOT EVER be used in business.

Sort of like "QST," "CQ," "73," and "W5YI Group."

Jimmie now preparing to argue that I am "mistaken."
ARRL "invented" the Q-code QST...73 went out of business,
W5YI Group "doesn't like morse code" (they teach it
anyway). Don't know what Jimmie will call "CQ" since
they are a magazine competitor to QST...but he will no
doubt say they are "lower class" or something like that...

You know damn well that Carl got tossed off the nomination sheet
due to his being Executive Director of No Code International.
ARRL doesn't want no-coders. ARRL wants only those "acceptible"
to the BoD hierarchy.

ARRL has a VIRTUAL monopoly on United States amateur radio
publications. Has had that for years. Beautiful vehicle
for conditioning the thinking of United States radio amateurs.
George Orwell coined the term "big brother." That fits the
ARRL too.