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  #30   Report Post  
Old November 10th 05, 11:42 PM
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Default Carl Stevenson Elected To IEEE Post


Many of us have sent him our congratulations.

Notice that Jimmie worded his sentence about "congratulations"
to NOT SPECIFICALLY SAY that J. P. Miccolis congratulated him.

Your reading comprehension is a bad as ever, Len.

Gives the impression, the implication that he did without
committing his name to some "fact."

Then let me say it another way:

I and many others sent him our congratulations.

Is that clear enough for ya?

ARRL has a VIRTUAL monopoly on United States amateur radio
publications. Has had that for years.

"CQ" magazine. "73" magazine. "ham radio" magazine. Bash books.
Gordon West publications. "Worldradio" publications. Ameco
