Thread: fm pirate ?
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Old November 10th 05, 11:44 PM
Brenda Ann
Posts: n/a
Default fm pirate ?

"Art Harris" wrote in message
Henry Kolesnik wrote:

He was just playing music from his house with a 1/2 watt transmitter
which he said was legal.He mentioned the cross streets and I'm about 1.5
miles away but he also said he's had reports from about 4.5 miles.

Sounds like a pirate. You're allowed to run 1/10th of a watt (100 mW)
without a license and with certain antenna restrictions under Part 15
of the FCC rules.

On the FM band the FCC allows only 250 microvolts/meter at 3 meters. This
works out to about 10 microwatts. The 100mW figure is assumed by most
because that is what the old Part 15 walkie-talkies, and AM transmitters
were/are allowed. Part 15 allows different power levels on different bands
of frequencies... I believe up to a watt or two at lowfer frequencies.