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Old December 5th 04, 02:23 PM
David Stinson
Posts: n/a

Mel A. Nomah wrote:

How can we be fair here, without starting a food-fight and looking like
we're trying to "milk it for all it's worth"?

An open auction is, by definition, "fair," because no person
is forced to bid more than he does voluntarily.
There is nothing wrong with getting the best price you honestly
can for your friend's assets. In fact, you have an ethical duty
to do so. If, through a misguided sense of guilt about
"profit," you knowingly take less than you could have done
in an honest and fair manner, you have taken that money
from your friend, who needs it.
Describe your items in an honest manner and
allow your buyers to decide what they want to pay.
This serves your friend well and leaves your hands clean.

Secondly- auctioning here will be difficult and
will bring only a fraction of what you could have
gotten for your friend on Ebay. The market on
Ebay is far larger. Ignore the anti-Ebay whining of those few
who attempt to hide their simple envy by wrapping themselves
in "protector of the hobby;" that's just jealous nonsense.

How ever you decide to proceed, you are
to be commended for helping; it's a big chore.

73 DE Dave Stinson AB5S