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Old November 11th 05, 01:44 PM
Henry Kolesnik
Posts: n/a
Default odd variable capacitor ?

I never heard of the transmitter scam before and I would think that people
would have wanted to hear their favorite 2 or 3 stations. I wonder how they
did the scam?
"Jim Haynes" wrote in message
In article ,
Henry Kolesnik wrote:

Who made your TRF with this cap and are the dials calibrated, if so f or

Well, it's a mystery. There is no manufacturer's name on it anywhere.
all the parts are from various well-known parts vendors (except no labels
on the coils). There are several theories:
Might be a home-built set - if so, it's incredibly well done, including
an engraved front panel
Might be built from a kit - but then you'd think the kit manufacturer
would have put a name on it somewhere.
Might be a factory-built set for some department-store chain that was
to attach their own brand label, tho there is no evidence that one
ever was attached.
Might be a factory-built set and the maker is deliberately
to avoid paying royalties on the Neutrodyne patents. Which could
apply to a kit. I read some early superhets were sold as kits to get
around paying patent royalties.
Someone suggested a fly-by-night manufacturer, who would come into a
village with a wagon load of receivers, and secretly bring another
wagon with a transmitter. The transmitter would assure they had a
good signal while they were selling the receivers; and once they were
all sold they could move on. However this receiver is certainly not
shoddily constructed.

Any other theories?

jhhaynes at earthlink dot net