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Old November 11th 05, 01:06 PM
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Default Getting Down To The Wire

From: on Nov 10, 4:41 pm

Some plain and simple facts:

Jimmie style

1) As of November 9, 2005, the number of individuals holding current,
unexpired FCC amateur radio licenses is 663,382.






Again Lennie demonstrates that rules apply to everyone else except
him...Except, of course, when the rules are one's HE wants...Then
EVERYONE has to comply...

2) Of those individuals who are interested enough in the issues to
comment, a clear majority want the Morse Code test for General to be

NPRM just about General class? No, NPRM about ALL classes.




Why can Lennie not address people the way they address him, even
when the way they address him is the way he says he wants it...?!?!

Maybe that's why Lennie can't get the respect and credibility he
THINKS he deserves?

3) Of those individuals who are interested enough in the issues to
comment, a clear majority want the Morse Code test for Extra to be

NPRM just about Extra class? No, NPRM about ALL classes.




And again.

Not one rational or responsible word addressing Jim's comments.
Just grade school jibberish.

4) FCC is not required to follow the majority of comments or other
opinions, regardless of how large the majority is. FCC is only required
to consider the commentary, not act on it.

Why Jimmie


FCC do things THEIR way. Plain simple fact that.

Interesting that after having had his nose rubbed in his own
numbers, Lennie changes style and format of his "scorecard" series of
posts and threads...Trying to hide the facts, as usual...The FACTS that
those comments Jim was refering to DON'T support Lennie's opinion as
being in the majority.

None-the-less, it will be interesting to see, after whatever
action the FCC takes in regards to dropping the Code Test, if Lennie
will then get the "Extra Lite" (or any other HF-authorized license) or
continue to spam the NG with his anti-Amateur Radio bile...


Steve, K4YZ