Commode Butt Cornholer of little boys wrote:
AKA 2test wogie wrote:
Cmdr Buzz Corey wrote:
AKA 2test wogie wrote:
Wrong as usual, **** up. You see your OWNER everywhere don't you?
But you certainly *are* a cartoon, you ****ing imbecile.
Looking in the mirror already this morning?
You should spend less time on the computer
So should you, matbe you wouldn't post such mangled English.
and get back to cleaning out those port-a-potties
Why, is the Commode Butt Cornholer hungry for his usual meal of ****
Gopher Face "Buzz Corey" proves he is a "loser" when he can't even
spell "loser"in
"Again you loose two-test"
Illiterate and senile Butt Cornholer proves he has imginary spelling
skills as well as an imaginary pilot's license in
"you got a wellfare......"
n article
Imaginary pilot's license boy Cmd Butt Cornholer wrote:
"Wogie Wussman" "volumns" - Butt Cornholer makes good spells!
Butt Cornholer ****s up again in
"Curtians" "Frabricated" "Frabricate"
Butt Cornholer the English impaired baby raper ****s up again in
"two-test wogie" "Lets take a look at your spelling ability wogie"
Illiterate child molester Buzz Cornholer ****s up again when he gets
all upset in
"fatbgoy" - Butt Cornholer makes good spell, again!
In article
Kiddie raper Buzz Corey slobbered after ****ting his depends:
"stinkey" "two-test" "wogie"
Butt Cornholer demonstrates why he never graduated from high school in
"Yea," "wogie" "wussman" - Butt cornholer makes good spells!
Butt Cornholer admits he dances like the clueless idiot he is in
"Yea, I really dance"
In article
Cmd Butt Cornholer of little boys showed off
his Pulizter prize English skills
and blathered:
"Let's see now, a ham post how he had fun..."
Butt Cornholer makes good spell in
Butt Cornholer of little boys admits he really doesn't have a pilot's
license, all the while showing off his English skills in
"You're correct 2test wogie, I don't have a pilot's license"
Butt Cornholer shows off his Forrest Gump spelling skills as he "peeks"
out from behind a fake name in terror of Roger Wiseman in
"Is that you peaking out"
Cmd Butt Cornholer the "onionhead" shows off why he flunked out of
school once again in
Commode Butt Cornholer of little boys shows his illiteracy once again
"Gee, you cber can't even get that right."