Why Do You Hams
Ernest W Block wrote:
"Cmdr Buzz Corey" wrote in message
Ernest W Block wrote:
"Dr CB Nomore" wrote in message
why do you hams bother with a license?
the Tenth Ammendment clearly allows anyone to operate any
radio without a license on any frequency at anytime or place.
I posed this question to U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton's office
and was told that a "blanket license" covered channels 1-40.
All channels above 40 are unassigned and no license is required
to operate there. The same thing applies to all channels below
channel one. However, hams operating below channel one
are limited to 500 watts, while hams operating above channel
40 can run unlimited power.
7 thirds,
Pure BS. Senator Hitlery's office doesn't know squat about the FCC rules.
Well of course her *office* doesn't know squat about FCC rules, but
her FCC specialist staff member did and does know about FCC rules,
especially since she is in contact with one of the commissioners. You
really need to take a look at your aggressive attitude.
7 thirds,
Her staff member obviously doesn't know squat either. The frequencies
below and above cb channels 1-40 *are* allocated to other services and
to operate on those frequencies without the proper permit or license is
illegal. Hams can only operate on frequencies allocated to the amateur
radio service and are not limited to 500 watts. Sounds like her staff
member is as stupid as you are.
I think Roger can help you.
Poor 2test wogie can't even help himself.