Thread: radio prices
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Old November 12th 05, 03:05 AM
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Default radio prices

This is a snip from EHAM

'Has anyone noticed the price jump on Icom's IC-706 MKIIG. At most
dealers the pricing was averaging $769.00 and now the prices have
jumped to $950.00 -- nearly a $200.00 dollar increase. I contacted HRO
out of Atlanta and was given partial truth for the reasoning behind the
jump. I think the 706 Mark IIG has been popular, and has also been a
lot more expensive. The radio has stayed for quite some time in a
reasonable range, but now has started a sharp rise up.

The reason I was given for the price gouge was the Japanese Yen is
higher compared to the American dollar. By the way, is true but only by
12.5%, and that increase has taken nine months to rise. In this case
the Radio should have only risen to around the $850.00 range. With our
Ham community constantly battling to grow and maintain itself against
an ever growing younger population more willing to go to the Internet.
These Ham radio suppliers seem to be willing to price themselves and us
out of business. If the reasoning is the Japanese Yen, why have other
radios of Japanese make not made the price jump???
