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Old December 6th 04, 02:56 AM
Bill M
Posts: n/a

Dbowey wrote:

I was tracking a T20 ARC-5 and just finished checking the status (5pm Pacific).

eBay has removed it from auction stating crap to the effect that it may be
illegal to buy/sell it in our country. I checked status on a bunch of other
ARC-5s and found some are restricted and some aren't.

I have never been able to get eBay interested in all the CB linears up for
auction, but now they have decided the ARC-5 is bad for the country.(?)

May be our homeland security dollars at work for us....


Hmmm, sounds like you are new to ebay. They do this crap arbitrarily
based on where your ISP says you are located and such crap. I
understand their reasons for doing so but it really is a brainless
automated thing with no relation to political agenda.
Being in Puerto Rico USA I went thru a spate of this a couple of years
ago when I couldn't even access ads for "military" headphones. I figure
I wasn't the only guy to raise hell because they finally loosened up on
their defintion.
Now if a guy were to include "great for Arab Terrorists" as part of
their description, I'd SCREAM at ebay to nix the ads.
eBay isn't a Public least not yet. They can set any rule
they want to. If you have a beef then tell them so. They seem to do
well in sucking up to popular sentiment.
