Are all cbers on foodstamps?
Hello Dana:
Yes far as I know we all are on food stamps, well fare, and what ever
else is out there for a hand out.
I go in Thrusdays for my well fare check, its a blast we all get
together ride the bus for free, down to the goverment office. Theres
Mojave Desert Don, Left over Carbrator Parts, Insane Dwane, Molly Mcgee,
Overdrive in Reverse, Hill Billy and all his kids, Hansom Ransom,
Vietnam Dan, Barstow Bill, Grandma, Slick Willy, Boron Bob, Fright
Hammer, and usually many others.
Its starts about 5 AM in the morning, we get on the radio and start
talking to each other, gettin ready for our trip.
Once there at the well fare office, we always stand in line where "Well
Fare Clare" is working. She is married to Mojave Desert Don my brother.
So we get perferred service you might say. All ya gots to do is take
Clare out to a nice place a few times a year and bam your in there!
Then we all go out to have a big breakfeast, again having a blast with
most everyone there. Then theres the lying constest, who's got the
biggest linear and tower with beam antennas and such.
Some times we have Vegas trips that we all go on, what a roit!
Many Collins Stations there totally paid for with well fare money. Ever
hear of a well fare linear? I my self have a large antenna farm with
many towers and antennie. I have a hole I cut out with my Saw Zaw, in
the side of the trailor, it lets all the coaxes in.
Is this the Dana that stands in line 5?
Jay in the Great Mojave Desert, .... just down the road ah ways from the
fillin station.
Dana wrote:
We use to call the cb band the "well fare band"