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Old November 12th 05, 08:43 PM
Lazy Senior
Posts: n/a
Default Simple Questions and Assholes

Michael Black wrote:
"IonSpot" ) writes:

You really are a "lazy senior". Too many questions, not enough Googling to
find the answers on your own.

Or for that matter, looking in books.

Michael VE2BVW

Where is this "Ham Spirit" we all are supposed to have. Why does
everyone just has to act like an asshole on Usenet? I asked a simple
question, but only got got trash talking. I know how to google and read
books, I was asking those that do use scopes how they do it.

No wonder No one wants to became a new ham any more, we are all cranky
*******s with a chip on our shoulder.

Why even have this boatanchor group if you cant ask simple questions and
get help and not riduculed...

I am outta this group right now, you guys just go on reading the auction
ads, thats all this group is good for..

Lazy Senior