Thread: FAQ
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Old November 12th 05, 08:22 PM
The Magnum
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Default FAQ

"zjjPK " wrote in message ...
Dana wrote:

The mistake the FCC made was dropping the code requirment down to 5 wpm.
Lots of nivices squeeked under the wire.

Lol, great command of the English language there. I wonder if his morse is
as bad........

the mistake every authority has made is....

when you cheapen a licence , you get lower standards of behaviour being
displayed by the licensees.

I disagree. There might be one or two idiots but that doesnt fall completely
at the ease of getting the licence.

when those who have licences did very little to get that licence they will
treat that licence with very little respect.

Once again, after showing a willingness to actually bother to get licenced,
being it easy or not, they have to purchase the said equipment. Surely your
not saying CB'ers who dont give a rats ass about Amateur are spending their
hard earnt? money on Amateur kit, and getting registered so you can find out
who and where they are... just to mess about and upset a few advanced
Amateurs? Seems a very strange way of going about things.

Surely these idiot users are more likely the completely unlicenced users on
stolen radios or kids messing about on parents radios while they are out
rather than someone who wants to become a "first step" Amateur? Also quite a
few people who gain M3 licences or whatever the equivelent in the US surely
would go on to intermediate and so on rather than just stop there. A few
will yes but many will want to progress.

when those licensees are governed by rules/regulations then their
behaviour may well become the subject of complaints.

Or maybe not....... your now trying to say Amateurs above the entry level
never cause interference or mess about sometimes on the air.... b-ll-cks.

complaints must be investigated.
this costs money.


end result....
lowering the 'cost of administration' allows cb'ers onto amateur bands.

Err, whats wrong with CBers becoming radio Amateurs? Its happened for years
and years....long before the licence was made easier. And most of them
became perfectly respected Amateurs.

cb'ers on amateur bands will cause problems.

NO....idiots on Amateur bands will cause problems. Or do you tar all CB
radio users with the same brush?

problems cause complaints.


complaints cause investigations.


investigations cost money.


money that was hoped to have been saved in the first place !!

Saved for what? The fully licenced Annual Amateur Jamboree ?

and a lot of this behaviour can be put down to ONE THING.
(even the interview with an rsgb president on the arrl website shows this)

Oh in that case it must be right then.....

the plan to get rid of compulsory morse testing for hf access.

For gods sake... morse isnt the "be all and end all of radio", its an old
out-dated form of communication which had its use in the past but is now
just a form of elitist snobbery. Also trying to say anyone who doesnt want
to learn morse is basically a "scumbag" shows Bigotry beyond contempt. Why
not welcome the new Amateurs and encorage them to advance rather than look
down on them. The licence was made easier because the userbase of Amateur
was drastically on the decline. It was done to encorage more people to get
involved and keep the "hobby" alive.
