Dr.Ace wrote:
"an_old_fiend" wrote in message
Dana wrote:
He can bust cber's also for opperating out of band, so be carefull.
puling the atributes to insure everyone seeing the dates
On Wed, 26 Oct 2005, Vinnie S. wrote:
On 26 Oct 2005 13:34:04 -0700, wrote:
so Dana goes her (or is it his) way trolling along spewing hate and
trying to become a replacement for Stevie as poster person what is a
bad extra class ham
If Hollingsworth
Hey, that guy sounds familiar !!!!!!
Vinnie S.
Don't be jealous, upgrade your license.
I will estimated date of extra class licensure 1APR 2006, in any event
the first possible uner the R&O
Ace - WH2T