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Old November 14th 05, 04:23 AM
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Default Source for DV2840S MOSFET?

RF Parts is the first place I went. I didn't see that FET listed.
Seems to me I found a website that listed an SK number cross reference,
but I can't find it again. I did email RF Parts with that SK number and
it was $2.40, so I think that SK number was referring to some other FET
on that website...They told me they were unable to give me any info on
that part when I asked if it was a MOSFET...


gb wrote:
"Scott" wrote in message
.. .

Does anybody have a source for the DV2840S MOSFET or a DV1007 (same thing,
old part number)? Tried Google and Dogpile. Found one place had them for
$30 each. Can anybody find a cross reference to an ECG or NTE part
number? Tried both online, with no results. How about an equivalent

It is for a 2M amplifier project from the RSGB book "VHF UHF Manual"



Have you tried RF Parts?
"Best place in US for the solid-state amplifier builder
They should be able to find a suitable cross reference to a Motorola,
Toshiba or Mitsubishi device

RF Power MOSFETs - N Channel

Transistor Case styles

BTW, $30 is a correct "ballpark" price for a MOSFET in the 2-meter range (up
to 175 MHz) with 70 watts output at 12.5 VDC

RF Parts
435 South Pacific Street
San Marcos, California 92078
Technical Help & Customer Service
(760) 744-0750
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. PST
Monday - Friday
