Ed Price wrote:
really, really HAVE to have it. Who knows? But one interesting thing is
that gpb333 has been on eBay for about 20 months, but he hasn't bothered
to reciprocate feedback for almost 18 months. Those kind of guys **** me
I haven't decided which is worse, guys that don't give feedback, or sellers
that wait to see what you give them before they give you feedback.
I recently bought an item, and the seller took 3 weeks to ship my item. He
came up with a cockeyed story about how paypal didn't notify him that I had
paid. (I paid the morning after the sale) The item was described as complete,
but it arrived poorly packed, and missing a major component. 1 day short of
a month from the end of auction until the item was in my hand.
The seller echoed my feedback, so I got what I gave him.... Yet as a buyer,
I did everything in a most proper way. Now my feedback says I am a late shipper,
even though I was a buyer!
The feedback system is seriously flawed. Each party shouldn't be able to tell
what the other party writes about them until everything is totally done.
-Chuck Harris