Thread: Tennessee Nurse
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Old November 15th 05, 10:25 PM
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Default Tennessee Nurse

From: on Nov 14, 4:22 am

From: on Sat 12 Nov 2005 14:17

QRZ last updated 01/29/2004, signed as "MAJOR Robeson."

Photo of a guy with Captain's bars.

Wonder why Steve isn't updating his official photograph?

He didn't on his "official" AOL home page. Gave excuses
there..."didn't get 'promoted' until July...this is
November...verrrry slow "developing" of that photo.

Must be suer-high resolution photo paper. Takes longer.

I'd likely believe that the "Sergeant Grit" USMC store
ran out of cloth major insignia for his poopy suit.

"If Chesty didn't like it, we wouldn't carry it" is
their shop slogan. :-)

[Frank knows who "Chesty" is, Dudly doesn't...:-)]

Note the "headline" on his "official" AOL home page:

"A Man of Many Talents."

He was "homeland security before there was homeland


He has a talent for shooting his mouth off.

AHA!! That explains MANY things! He can't smile in any
photo because the teeth are gone! THAT may be the "injury"
that caused his "medical discharge" due to an "accident!"

His little Cessna 150 (or was it Aeronca C3?) got
hard points for WEAPONRY? Whoooeee...look out all
general av flyers wherever you are...Ace Security
"MAJOR" gonna get on your tails!

I can just imagine the MAJOR getting behind someone and opening fire.
"He invaded my airspace, he invaded my airspace!" Then he shoots his
prop off.

His own...

On the con-man scale of 1 to 10, Dudly the Imposter (aka
"United States Air Force Auxilliary" MAJOR) might nudge
the meter to a 2...with enough QRM to raise baseline...

And he tries so hard. Kind of sad, isn't it? Should we clue him in
that it's "Major?" No need to go ALLCAPS for emphasis.

I used all caps. Dudly is very RANK. :-)

No new photo?

Probably because he hasn't found a good dentist yet. We
haven't seen one picture of him showing his teeth. Well,
he might not have any? USAF ought to have some dentists
around to help him out. [they helped out W when he
"fought" for this country in the Air Guard]

Hmmmm? No teeth? But that's not on the list of the things that's
supposed to happen when you shoot your mouth off.

"He knew the job was dangerous when he took it..." :-)

[quote from "Super Chicken" for all the questioning readers]

USAF Auxilliary "MAJOR!" He gots Flight Suit and
everything! [but no dress blues]

The Air Force Service Dress Uniform will show off that belly of his.
I'm thinking that's why no new "official" photo. He's on a weight

Wonder where he could get the cash as a "commissioned
officer" to afford dress blues? Maybe on "Amelia's"
credit card?

Dudly ought to have gone down to Texas and joined the
Confederate Air Force. Everyone there is a COLONEL!

Colonel Dudley Sanders. I can just imagine him frying up a mess of
chicken for the Confederate Air Force.

I think the club would squawk...squawk...squawk...

Wow, some Rank! (not speaking of insignia or title)

Do we have a photo of him in his Tennessee Militia uniform?

No, but I saw one a few years ago. The "brigade" changed
their website all around. Cannot find any mention at all
of any "communications officer" or the name "Robeson."

How about a white dress and white shoes?

Not until WE have "confirmation," Brian... :-)

Temper fry.