Thread: Tennessee Nurse
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Old November 16th 05, 02:05 AM
an old friend
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Default Tennessee Nurse

From: on Nov 14, 4:22 am



No new photo?

Probably because he hasn't found a good dentist yet. We
haven't seen one picture of him showing his teeth. Well,
he might not have any? USAF ought to have some dentists
around to help him out. [they helped out W when he
"fought" for this country in the Air Guard]

Hmmmm? No teeth? But that's not on the list of the things that's
supposed to happen when you shoot your mouth off.

If there is danger he will have to orverlook it
"He knew the job was dangerous when he took it..." :-)

[quote from "Super Chicken" for all the questioning readers]

USAF Auxilliary "MAJOR!" He gots Flight Suit and
everything! [but no dress blues]

The Air Force Service Dress Uniform will show off that belly of his.
I'm thinking that's why no new "official" photo. He's on a weight

Wonder where he could get the cash as a "commissioned
officer" to afford dress blues? Maybe on "Amelia's"
credit card?

indeed if he he were an ARMY officer active or reservse he would be
required to obtain types of dress uniforms theBlue the Dress Mess blues
and there were a adress white when Iserved I have a set myself

per AR 700-10

How about a white dress and white shoes?

Not until WE have "confirmation," Brian... :-)

he would be required to own them in the Army

Temper fry.