Looking for Old QST Receiver Schematic\Article....
Back in 1973, when I was in the process of getting my Novice license, I
built a simple tube receiver from a construction article that came from
a Boy Scout Merit Badge pamphlet on 'Radio'. The radio didn't work well
because I was young (16) and really didn't know what I was doing.
Recently, I have had a desire to rebuild that radio for sentimental
reasons and am trying to find that schematic. The problem is, I cannot
remember the name of the article. My belief is that the article was
originally published in QST around 1965 and was granted reprint
permission in the 'Radio' Boy Scout merit badge booklet.
Does anyone have any recollection of which reciever that I am referring
to. What I remember was that there were 5 tubes (I think) and used plug
in coils for changing bands. It also was a supre-regen type receiver.
If anyone could help me with optaining the schematic for this, It would
be most appreciated.
Thanks and a very happy new year...