Windy Anderson's 11/14 Reply to Comments
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November 16th 05, 06:20 AM posted to
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a
Windy Anderson's 11/14 Reply to Comments
Dave Heil wrote:
It should come as no surprise that Len Anderson's eight pages of
pontificating, self-important reply to the comments of Robert G.
Rightsell read almost exactly like his frequent pontificating,
self-important rants in r.r.a.p.
It should come as no suprise that Dave/K8MN has just posted his longest
post ever not providing the details or tips for aspiring DXers, but in
rediculing someone who has had an -almost- lifelong interest in radio.
"Rediculing"? You've spent so much time conversing with Mark that
you're starting to write like him. If I'd wanted to post an
instructional message on DXing, I'd likely post it to the DX newsgroup.
In my comments to the Commission, I did not find it necessary to target
a single individual or group, nor did I use terms like "puffery",
"egregious" or "insulting". Your organ grinder pal hasn't yet taken the
first baby step toward obtaining an amateur radio license in all these
many years. He hasn't gotten into amateur radio. He isn't in amateur
radio. He will not be in amateur radio, no matter what he writes here.
Carry on, little red-hatted monkey.
Dave K8MN
Way to go, Dave. Pillar of the radio community. Good DX!
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