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Old November 16th 05, 05:16 AM posted to
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Default this message is for keyclowns selling amps on ebay

On 15 Nov 2005 18:47:18 -0800, "Keyclowns are limpwristed"

We hope your amp was one of the following auction numbers, as they were
ratted out to ebay.
Keyclowns are not allowed to sell amps on ebay or on Your
Masters the AKC so decree.
5831030763,5829973759,5831036454,5830868751,58307 38482,
5830732691,5830684592,5830674390,5830604295,58305 90583
5830583029,5830580634,5830578537,5830577680,58305 04175,
5830500715,5830327740,5830325670,5830276259,58303 10433
5830224903,5829866194,5830003764,5829976309,58299 73759,
5829921017,5829922551,5829816826,5829816815,58296 95152
5829633753,5829633483,5829630620,5829628790,58296 28662,
5829627264,5829325422,5829249785,5829249274,58292 48801
5829224523,5829211151,5828883385,5828921168,58291 66857,

Can anyone else sell them??? Or is it just keyclowns?