(and also Lazy Buttheads)...was: Simple Questions and Assholes
On Tue, 15 Nov 2005, Lazy Senior wrote:
Uncle Peter wrote:
"Straydog" wrote in message
What is wrong with doing some broad reading and thinking, first? Then
formulate a purposeful question.
Nothing wrong with asking questions; but what raises my hackles
are the lids who want FREE advice, and then get mad that the
answers don't meet THEIR expectations.
First you call me a troll and then a lid. I didnt call anyone names.
Here's a thought, if you dont like the person, or question,or answers dont
flame or call names, just dont respond. Keep you thoughts to yourself. Is
that so hard? It isnt for people without egos...........
Lazy Senior
My first recommendation to you is to find something else besides "Lazy"
for the first name of your alias.
Second, you, right now, are doing the things you are recommending that
otehr people don't do.
Third, how about cracking some books, old QST magazines, etc., and learn
a few things on your own. Then when you next propose a question, you can
tell people you actually spent some time looking and finding not enough
answers. Don't forget to tell people what answers you did find AND why you
thought they were inadequat. Otherwise, you sound like that kid that gets
on the NGs and says "My teacher gave us this assignment to use the
internet to write a term paper on X and could someone send me a copy of
the report on X?"
You get my drift, don't you?