Tim [WB8UHZ],
How Many : Inverted "L" Antenna Radials for a Receiving Only Antenna ?
Most Receive 'only' Inverted "L" Antenna (Random Wire) designs
usually do not indicate any Ground Radials.
[ Side View ] "NONE"
Radio ==============$
Reversing the Lay-Out of the Inverted "L" Antenna allows
the Coax Cable to be placed on/in the Ground under the
Horizontal Antenna Element and have it act as a single
Ground Radial.
[ Side View ] "ONE"
$============================= Radio
IIRC - There is one Inverted "L" Antenna design (drawing)
with Two Ground Radials at the Base of the Up-Leg of the
Inverted "L" Antenna with the Radials Perpendicular to
the Horizontal Out Arm when viewed from the Top.
[ Top Down View ] "TWO"
Drawing Symbols :
"GR" = Ground Rod
"$" = Matching Transformer
"X" = Connection
"00" = Insulator
"|" or "-" = Wire Antenna Element
"=" = Coax Cable
"." = Rigging Rope
something to think about - iane ~ RHF
.. .
= = = In
= = = amfone@s... wrote:
You can get away with one radial on the bottom , that is it will work ,
there will be losses at the connection, adding two more will help,
there still will be losses but in reality to work "perfect" you would
need to lay about a 150 radials. Fortunatly for good performance this
is not necessary. What your doing by adding the radials is limiting the
ground losses and lowering the take off angel of the antenna , which is
what the inverted L will do for you, its is meant to look at a very low
angel of radiation, hence an excellent DX antenna but not much good for
close in stations. You can use any form of good conduction metal , but
to be most effective the concept is to stretch it out at least a quater
wave length from the (L) portion feed point. I would use for both the
(L) portion and the radials number 14 copper stranded wire insulated. I
think you can get a spool of 500 feet at Home Depot for about $20.00
----- Original Message -----
From: Joe Strain
Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 4:43 PM
Subject: [Shortwave-SWL-Antenna] Inverted-L antenna resource
In two, er, three sentences Tim took all the physics
out of it, made the operation dynamics of the antenna
understandable even by this dufus! Thanks sir !
Now, how FEW radials can I get away with if I dont
transmit with the antenna? Can I get away with buried
1/2" mesh "hardware cloth'?
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= = = = = Translation = = = = =
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.. .