K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
144 pages of stevies gems have been assembled to represent Stevie's
record here on RRAP
it is an amussing happenstance that the totla number of pages in the
selects posts totaled 144, one gross as it is known
Now to finsih a cover letter to go with it
Are you sure you want to do this? Even if you're right, he'll sue.
I'll bring suit after the hearing is done.
more threats
more threats
that you can't keep
That will be when we
can add in the BoN's findings of "malicious intent" and that will be
all I need to clear Markie's bankroll for some time to come.
wrong again what you will need is a case. Go read the BoN website
if they have a hearing at all it will be the TN BoN V Robeson not Mark
Morgan v Robeson
And if they do, it will be on your insitgation.
so what
You're still culpable in civil court.
nope I will not be
you words will be the subjectbat issue
any damahe you suffer would be at the hands of the BoN which likely is
covered by Soverign Inmunity you'd lack a case
Any "damahe" suffered will be re-couped in the civil case against
you, Markie.
only if you have a case
also hold your breath wiating for the hearing according the BoN it
would be months away
That gives YOU time to hide your assets in your "wife's" name. Of
course if you really are married, a subpoena to the IRS will result in
your tax records and help us to locate any/all "real" assets in EITHER
name. I am sure that finding the rest won't be all that difficult.
you need a case first
reporting imporper action by an LPN is not a crime or a civl tort
and yoiu action are impoper wether actionable by the BoN or not
that I hold in some uses of the Term "Malice" aginast you does not
excuse your actions against me or aganist Brain or Todd or Len
Good luck.
Steve, K4YZ