Windy Anderson's 11/14 Reply to Comments
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November 18th 05, 08:23 PM posted to
Cmdr Buzz Corey
Posts: n/a
Windy Anderson's 11/14 Reply to Comments
WHY was that required? You haven't explained the "necessity"
of gettng an amateur license FIRST.
There is no 'necessity' of getting an amateur license, unless you want
to operate on the ham bands, just like there is no 'necessity' of
getting a driver's license unless you want to drive a car. All of your
bragging about your intellect and knowledge and experience you claim has
squat to do with ham radio. Thousands of people with no prior knowledge
or experience in radio communications, electronics, ect., have studied
and passed the test to obtain a ham license. Something that seems to
completely befuddle you. Yet here you go on and on about all your skills
and knowledge yet you can't seem to get a license, something that many
grade schoolers have achieved.
Jimmie, you really DON'T understand the environment I was
working in/at. Go download:
The environment you worked in has nothing to do with getting a ham license. order to see that environment. NONE of it required any
"baby steps" going FIRST through some hobby license.
No 'baby steps'? I supposed you were born with all the knowledge and
skills you needed.
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