UPS Rate Increase
....Since you are a UPS customer, we want to give you advance notice of
new UPS rates that will take effect January 2, 2006. You can click here
by December 12, 2005 to request a reminder e-mail when the new rates go
into effect and the 2006 UPS Rate and Service Guide is available on
UPS published On-Demand Rates* will change as follows: Commercial Ground
will increase 3.9%, and UPS Air and International Services will increase
5.5%....Adjustments will be made to accessorial charges in 2006. The
residential surcharge for UPS Ground will increase by $0.25. The
residential surcharge for UPS Air Services and UPS 3 Day SelectSM will
increase by $0.35. The Additional Handling charge and the charge for
Collect on Delivery (C.O.D.) service will increase by $1 per package.
UPS Delivery Confirmation and Signature Required services will increase
by $0.25 per package, and Adult Signature Required service will increase
by $0.50.
On December 1, 2005, you may view all On-Demand Rates and accessorial
charges for 2006 at Updated service and rate
information, as well as a downloadable copy of the 2006 UPS Rate and
Service Guide, will be available on on January 2, 2006.
Thank you for the business you entrust to UPS....