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Old November 19th 05, 01:13 AM posted to
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Default Article in Electronic Design

From: on Nov 18, 2:08 am

You may have to watch an online ad, but it's worth the wait.

"Wait?" That EDITORIAL piece was in the 13 October 2005 issue,
Jimmie. Today is 18 November. Why are you so LATE?

My paper copy of Electronic Design has been sitting
around for a month. It's a no-charge subscription to those
IN the electronics industry; aren't you one of those? The
cover feature is "Weapons of Mass Protection." Feature
article is (on page 27) subtitled "Where the Homeland
Security Dollars Are."

Oh, I understand, you are against making a profit. An
unusual attitude for someone who claims professional (for
money) employment. Tsk, wonder you won't reveal
your employer's name!

Your referenced EDITORIAL was written by Editor-in-Chief
Mark David. If you check ED's archives, you will find
another EDITORIAL of his, includes a mention of the ARRL.
Editor David seems to be FOR Access BPL! Like that? :-)


bee bop