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Old November 19th 05, 02:32 AM posted to
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Default Windy Anderson's 11/14 Reply to Comments

From: K4YZ on Nov 17, 7:15 pm

Dave Heil wrote:

Basically, it comes down to the fact that Len thinks he's too good to
have to learn Morse Code - or anything else - for an amateur radio

[inaccurate heilian imagination...]

I still believe that Lennie had some "run-in" with an Amateur at
some point. No doubt Lennie tried to bluff the other Amatuer into
"signing off" on a Conditional or other such thing since he already
professed to "know it all".

Poor iggorant little Dudly. Sorry to bust your big balloon,
but, other than doing some code practice in the early 1960s,
I HAVEN'T BOTHERED to get any AMATEUR radio license. :-)

If you wish to make a mountain out of a molehill, you can
get some staffer at Newington to look into my correspondence
with the late Vic Clark, then President of ARRL. That was
in the late 1970s to 1980. That MIGHT be called a "run-in"
but I'd say it was just the ultra-superior, don't bother me
attitude of the League. It concerned a new movement to
eliminate the morse code test for amateur radio. All those
in-power 20 WPM Extras would have none of that!

That movement would grow slowly until the FCC got convinced
(against League wishes) that a no-code-test Technician class
license got created. [see FCC 90-53 copy at]

"Amateur," not 'Amatuer." :-)

His one and only attempt to get a license by deceit rebuffed, he's
set upon a mission to undermine Amateur Radio at any and all

opportunities. To hell with the mere mortals, HE was a PROFESSIONAL!

Poor baby, mad as hell and can't take it anymore? :-)

You think elimination of the code test is "undermining"
amateur radio? I don't think so. Roughly half the U.S.
amateur radio community doesn't think so (if the 0.6% of
all licensees is a good sampling). Many Amateur Extras
of long experience have accepted complete removal of code
testing according to WT Docket 05-235 comments.

"Professional?" Of course. I expect to get paid for my
work. If that is some "ethical crime" then ALL the unions
and guilds and trade organizations are "guilty!" :-)

I've been a professional (getting paid for services done)
since 1948...and that is on record at the IRS. "I EARNED
my money the old-fashioned way...I WORKED for it!"]

"Deceit?" Not with/to the government of the United States.
Nope. Not even to the IRS. Been audited twice, no
problems, just misunderstanding on my
part, other on the IRS' part, both on professional
deductions. That was settled amicably and all satisfied.

Have I "deceived" any VE or any FCC Field Office? NO.
I kept my First Phone renewed, a simple mail-in process,
until and past the R&O changed all Commercial Radio-
telephone operator licenses to the single General Radio-
telephone Operator License (GROL). I applied for, and
got, a Private Land Mobile Radio Service license for
business purposes (a small partnership) and provided all
the correct follow-on documentation for that until the
business was dissolved (more paperwork). I applied for and
got a CB radio license back when licenses were required,
kept those renewed until another R&O removed any need for
licensing. I did not need a Restricted 3rd Class Radio-
telephone license (no test for those) to operate any
commercial radio transmitters since my 1st Phone covered
those, both for business purposes and as a student pilot
back in the early 1960s. When I've operated commercial
equipment, as once for RCA Corporation using borrowed
NBC UHF radios, the appropriate signatures of officials
were duly recorded on my current First Phone license.
When I did some part-time work in AM and FM broadcasting,
the back of the current First Phone was duly recorded
by the Chief Engineer.

I have NEVER taken any amateur radio license test with
any FCC Field Office or VEC organization...nor have I
tried to "deceive" anything in saying my experience is a
substitute for testing. I am simply advocating an end
to morse code testing for an amateur radio license
examination. That YOU don't like that is not of my
concern. That YOU lie and attempt to accuse me of
lying IS of my concern. I try to put an end to it by
showing your lies but all you do is generate more lies
of your own.

Have I taken ANY amateur radio license tests? Only
the "practice variety," such as the practice test on and a private, but widely circulated test
set. Did I pass them? YES. Each element, each time.
Were those "aced?" No. Scores were not exceptional
but they were above the minimum level needed to pass.
Questions on regulations were a weakness. Where the
wrong answers were pointed out, I went back to the
regulations to get them right in my mind. Have I
resumed any "code practice?" No. I have three
computer programs on that in my PC archives but have
only used them long enough to see that they run.

Do I need any fancy title to enhance my "braq
quotionent?" No. I am secure in what I can do and
what I can't do, have had a long time of operating
radio transmitters legally (half century) on the EM
spectrum from LF on through to 25 GHz. Amateur
licensees can't go where I've been in the EM spectrum
without holding a Commercial radio license or knowing
the applicable regulations for that service where
such transmission is permitted (such as private boat
radios) without any license.

Is a federally-supervised or VEC-supervised or
COLEM-supervised morse code test "necessary" to
"round out my experience." No. I do not consider
morse code telegraphy to be useful for anything but
hobby radio. I do not have the fantasies of
greatness in radio through morsemanship, therefore
the morsemanship is of no use to me in any way.
Let those who enjoy the mode enjoy it...and NOT
force newcomers to ANY radio service to learn it
because of federal regulations requiring it.

If YOUR fantasy of greatness is disturbed by the
thoughts expressed above, that is YOUR problem to
deal with, not mine. If you need your TS card
punched, go to your minister, rabbi, chaplain, or
witch doctor and have THEM punch it.

Fork yourself, Dudly. You're done.