Windy Anderson's 11/14 Reply to Comments
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November 19th 05, 03:53 AM posted to
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a
Windy Anderson's 11/14 Reply to Comments
From: on Nov 15, 7:14 pm
Dave Heil wrote:
It should come as no surprise that Len Anderson's eight pages of
pontificating, self-important reply to the comments of Robert G.
Rightsell read almost exactly like his frequent pontificating,
self-important rants in r.r.a.p.
It should come as no suprise that Dave/K8MN has just posted his longest
post ever not providing the details or tips for aspiring DXers, but in
rediculing someone who has had an -almost- lifelong interest in radio.
Way to go, Dave. Pillar of the radio community. Good DX!
Pillar? Pillar of salt...Lots :-)
Grab yer piller and have a nice nap, old timer.
Poor Davie...if he had looked back over 3,783 filings on WT
Docket 05-235 he would have seen MORE! Woulda liquified
his "salt". MELT-DOWN! :-)
If I didn't MELT-DOWN after reading your eight listed documents, I don't
think there's any chance that I ever would. I think you may be the
champion of verbosity for all documents submitted, Windy. Tsk, tsk.
Pip pip and a "poor baby" or two.
Well, Davie ought to go back into the ECFS and look under
WT Docket 98-143 on 25 January 1999. He can see Dudly the
Imposter's name there. Ten days AFTER the official
(extended twice) END of filings on 98-143 ol' Dud tried to
get the FCC to turn a deaf ear to me. Davie has about 8
days to do the same, repeating history of the elite meeting
to beat...down those against the code test. :-)
I see. Steve made a comment about you and that excuses all of your
attacks for all time.
You exhibit a lack of class, Len.
Dave K8MN
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