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Old November 18th 05, 11:18 PM posted to,
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Default A Practical Challenge For The Feeble Five...And A Bloody Nose For FoS

From: on Fri 18 Nov 2005 04:52

on Thurs 17 Nov 2005 16:22
K0HB wrote:
"K4YZ" wrote in message

Then ask them how much Marines are billed for their first seabag of
uniforms in boot camp. (Remember, Frankie said Marines are NOT issued
UNIFORMS free of charge, assigned duties or not...)

My copy of MCO P10120.28G (Individual Clothing Regulations) dated 08 Jul 05

Steve was in the USMC on 08 JUL 05?

According to Google dated 17 November 05, Robeson claimed USMC
service from 1974 to 1992.

I'm so glad that Steve was in compliance with regulations that were 31
years in the future at the time he stood on the yellow footprints.
Steve always was out of step with the rest of society.

He is a "man of many talents!" :-)

At least he hasn't minced around in baby shoes.

There is a 13 year to 31 year GAP in there.

He got his uniforms issued at the GAP?

Probably at Sergeant Grit or some other Army-Navy surplus store.

Trivial detail according to the Extra Morsemen. They have to
hang together...or hang separately.

Looks to me like Hans put on his Manager/CEO hat to "calm the
turbulent waters." [he does that once in a while when getting
a paternal urge?]

What does Hans copy of said regulation say for the time period?

The full copy prolly says "this supersedes previous editions."

It's fine for a new boot going into the Navy NOW. Says dink
about what it was three decades ago and "yellow footprint"
time. But, let's not quibble about teeny details...:-)

The unwritten rule in here is to allow morsemen to act any
damn way they want to. That's okay. No-coders and non-hams
are verboten to rise up against Extra morsemen's puerile
putzy pejoratives.

Just the same, "clothing allowance" or not, Dudly the Imposter
has NOT posted ANY picture of hisself in ANY "active-duty"
USMC uniform. Dudly has NOT posted a single scrap of his
DD-214 anywhere. Dudly has NOT posted a single name or
callsign of anyone who could vouch that he is telling truth.

Dudly the Imposter is still busy being the Imposter.

Hans is defending a FRAUD. Good on Hans. Just what the
"amateur community" needs. Pro-bono "defense."

I wonder if Booth, Freret, Imlay, and Tepper know about this?

Well, let's look optimistically. Mebbe Dudly will have a
cute little Ham Jumpsuit photo sometime? Mebbe with a "I
was homeland security before there was homeland security"
ribbon on it? Mighty warrior, etc. Then he can claim "8
hostile actions" after having made it through the Code War.


Dudly is a Code Warrior. Others are just Code Worriers.

These mighty warriors certainly know how to turn off any
ham wannabes...which may be why Val Germann is still an
unmodified Tech for so long?

Poor Val. Such ambition.

Well, that's how it goes...sometimes reality boots ya in
the ash.