Not cheap, though; last one I noticed went for over $500, I think.
dang...kinda steep...I'd rather use what I use, which probably could
also be found for about that price if used..
Of course, it's a tranceiver, but for SWL in the car, it's quite good.
Covers VHF/UHF also. It's a 900-1000$ radio new, but I see them used
fairly reasonable. One advantage, is they are designed as a mobile
radio. So the antenna connections, etc, are straight forward, and if
you use a good antenna, with a good body ground, noise is not
too much of an issue. I'd rather use a 12v radio designed to use
coax, etc, than try to rig a portable up in the car. Maybe the DC777
is a car radio, not sure...
And most of the actual "car" SW radios seem to be kinda lame
to my tastes..Or at least after you use a ham rig for a while... :/
It doesn't have the fancy AM toys like ECSS, etc, but I don't need that
in a car. When that radio is not in the truck, I use it in the house.
I found that a good ground at the antenna end of the coax was essential
to keep the ignition noise down.
*very important*. I use a 80-10 m ham antenna, so I'm covered in
that dept...Also have a 1/4 wave VHF whip on the cab.