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Old November 19th 05, 08:27 AM posted to
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Default Windy Anderson's 11/14 Reply to Comments

From: Dave Heil on Nov 18, 6:11 pm

From: K4YZ on Nov 17, 7:15 pm
Dave Heil wrote:

Basically, it comes down to the fact that Len thinks he's too good to
have to learn Morse Code - or anything else - for an amateur radio

[inaccurate heilian imagination...]

Inaccurate is quite right. I didn't right the paragraph above your
one-liner, Windy.

"Right," Man of La Mancha...:-)

But Jimmie's prose is in the finest heilian tradition
of Writing Rongs. :-)

There you go. You can't be bothered. So what's with the amateur radio
fetish, Len? Were you beaten with a Lightning Bug as a child?

Sorry, Davie, you'll have to clean your own mirror above
your computer...too many bugs on it.

"Fetish?" :-) All for wanting to toss out an old, out-dated
code test that isn't useful to anyone but some old farts like

Oh, yes, I remember your EXCUSES for using "CW" on a TTY
circuit in Africa had to "synchronize"
your TTY machines.


If you wish to make a mountain out of a molehill, you can
get some staffer at Newington to look into my correspondence
with the late Vic Clark, then President of ARRL.

I'm sure it is all neatly archived. They just need to grab the "Leonard
H. Anderson" accordian folder.

Tsk, I didn't bother to keep mine, went in recycling years
ago. FCC 90-53 made it just the same. "One small step
for code test elimination, one giant leap for Technicians."

Did you know that both Tech classes together constitute almost
HALF of all U.S. amateur radio license grants? True!

So your ideas were dismissed and you've never gotten over it. I knew
Vic Clark. He was a fine person.

Of course he was. You've met everyone of note. They visit
you at one of your embassies? :-)

Vic Clark expired years ago, Davie.

You say nice-nice about the long-ago dead? That's nice.

It isn't exactly a civil rights movement, is it, Len? Did you guys
stage a big march on Newington?

Ohm my, aren't you the nasty fella? :-)

"Newington" isn't the center of the universe. It isn't even the
center of the hamiverse. What comes out of there is poesy of
the good old days in hamme radddio...following in the nightly
yellow footsteps of the Great One, "T.O.M."

Sorry, lil Davie, but there was a "comment march" on Washington.
3,786 filings worth on WT Docket 05-235.

The anti-code-test movement is gaining momentum. The year
2005 isn't 1935 anymore and fewer and fewer people are
agreeing with the code-aholics.

Try to learn to live with it. It's for your own good.

You think elimination of the code test is "undermining"
amateur radio? I don't think so.

I think so and I'm *in* amateur radio.

Then dig your barricades deep. When the bulldozers over-
run you, more of your body parts will stay attached to
your body.

Roughly half the U.S.
amateur radio community doesn't think so (if the 0.6% of
all licensees is a good sampling).

Roughly half? It looks like under half of the sampling.

ROUGHLY HALF, lil Davie.

Of course you are going to ARGUE your lil pointy nose off
that Joe Speroni's BIASED (definitely pro-code)
interpretations are some kind of super accuracy and
"valid." They aren't, but he's a morseman extra and
he's okay. :-)

Are you an organization, Len? I was paid for my job.

By the Department of State. You WERE from the government
and were there to "help." Which may explain the bad image
of the USA outside of our borders.

I've been paid as a musician.

Union or scab? [wanna see my AFTRA card? :-) ]

I'm not paid as a radio amateur.

No? Awwwwww....

I'm not paid as an amateur astronomer.

Neither are you required to have ANY license to look at
frequencies higher than 300 GHz...such as way, way up
in light. :-)

Does Palomar know about you? Does Schmidt help you?

No, I don't think you need anything additional to brag about, Len.

Davie, baby, "it ain't braggin' if ya DONE it. I done it."

Remember who used that Dizzy Dean misquote in here first?

You seem to do just fine the way things are.

Quite right, La Manchie...

You might want to brush up on
spelling if you want to include that in your "braq quotionent".

YESSIR, Mr. Herr Robust! I vill do as you kommand!

I vill WRIGHT all my RONGS! [just like you did]

The things you are unable to do--you're secure in them?


Tsk, tsk, there are so many NEW things coming up, things
that weren't here before, that there's PLENTY of new
stuff to explore, to experiment with, to fool around with.

Looks like your "braq quotionent" is doing fine.

HAY La Manchie, Ise doing lak ya said, tryin' ta WRITE mah

You gotsa prollem wid dat?

There's a nip in the air and the winter winds are gusting, Len.'re RIGHT, OAT got down to mebbe 60 F tonight!

Stand here by the lodge hall window.

Good lord, WHY? I had lunch at Guild Headquarters today,
nice fellowship there. Food was okay.

I don't belong to any "lodge," sweetums. Haven't done that
drunken bit down at any VFW Lodge.

Use your tattered jacket sleeve to wipe
away some of the condensation.

Oh,'ve been cribbing your ill-literations from old
Reader's Digest magazines, haven't you?

BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

Some of the fellows are standing by the fireplace. The flames dance and
the pleasant scent of burning oak lingers in the room. A couple of
fellows are discussing their DXCC totals on Top Band. Look--four of the
members are sipping their hot buttered rum and laughing. By golly, I
think one of them mentioned "Anderson". I think they mean *you*, Len.

Not me, sweetums, they tawkin 'bout Anderson PowerPole connectors
for their mo-bile rigs.

Judas H. Priest, you lay those ill-literations on so thick
that the lowest-grade Associate Editor at Boys' Life would
yank it out of the slushpile and toss it in the circular
file muy pronto.

Dinna wurra, laddie, Boys' Life magazine will send you a nice,
polite form-letter REJECTION. Forget the Digest. Enquirer
doesn't go for THAT kind of syrupy, sloppy prose; I know a
free-lancer who does sell to NE. Maybe you could try the
poetry journals...don't know much about them.

"Fireplace?" "Burning oak leaves?" Mid-afternoon OAT (that's
Outside Air Temperature to you ground-bound earthlings) got
to 82 F today. Be about the same tomorrow. Gotta cut the
lawn tomorrow but that will be easy with my cordless electric
Craftsman mower (made by Black & Decker).

You poor, ignored blighter. You're still standing out in the cold and
looking in. I guess you showed us.

Sorry, you're thinking of Val Germann. He's been an unmodified
Tech for over three years. [my micro-fiber jacket isn't
tattered, you've got the wrong guy...]

I was hangin' with some NBC West Coast Hq types at lunch. We
weren't talking about hamme raddddio. HDTV and remote pickup
trucks and some new graphics imaging came up like the Oscars
show and other events to be done in wide-screen. Lookin'
good in the neighborhood.

You got any DTV-compatible TVs, lil Davie? Nice stuff there on
cable TV service. Comcast has two cable channels for nothing
but wide-screen TV, lovely imagery, looks wonderful on the
27" LCD flat-panel we just got. Saw "Alias" and "CSI" in
wide-screen last night (Thursday). Great stuff. Action and
drama. Recreation! Enjoyment! don't want that "crap," do you? You and your rum-
sipping buddies gotta grin about "pioneering the airwaves"
with "CW" and making all those point scores. Keep up the
wunnaful, wunnaful vurk on DX...I hope your Orion can reach
the Dakotas to pay amateur tribute to Law-rence the box-
squeezer. "Ay vun an a too..." :-)

Watch out on too much rum-sipping, old-timer. Follow the
mathematician's warning: "Don't drink and derive!"

Fork yourself, Dave. You're done.