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Old November 20th 05, 04:14 AM posted to
John Barnard
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Default Why is 'Talk Radio' So Conservative?

m II wrote:

John Barnard wrote:

RHF wrote:

M II - Can-a-duha-ians Favorite Sex Toys are Dead Baby Seals
Because - Dead Bady Seals Do Not Kiss and Tell ! ~ RHF

We'll take your word for it, Imam.

I hear HE is the main purchaser of baby seal carcasses in the US. Hew
insists they be still warm and gets them delivered by the truck load.

If these perverts and fur wearers would stop ordering, the 'industry'
would die a quick death.

Seal hunters are the Neocons of the Corporate hunting ghouls.


Ahhh, so that is how he rewards his followers! He promises them furs!

It's too bad that RHF conveniently ignores the fact that the USA is the
most consumption-oriented country on the face of the globe for things
both legal and illegal.