You are talikng about AM/FM Radios and not Shortwave?
I have never heard of any Stereo Shortwave Broadcasters.
There are a few very good AM Stereo Radios out there;
but very few AM Radio Stereo Broadcasters.
Some of the old GE AM/FM Cassette Radios had
the GE Superadio Circutry and FM Stereo. Usually
they can be identified by the 200mm Ferrite Rod
Antenna on the Back and External Antenna Inputs
for FM.
Look at the Sansui TU-919 AM/FM Stereo Tuner
Analog and Digital Tuning Display with Wide and
Narrow AM and FM Filters
Another option is Car Audio AM/FM Radios with
AM Stereo built-in.
hope this helps ~ RHF