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Old November 20th 05, 06:14 PM posted to alt.tasteless,
Posts: n/a
Default A new day is on the horizon!

wrote in message

I'm not responsible for the neighbors dog biting another neighbor's
kid, but I pulled the dog off.
Do you see how it works? Not my responsibility, but it was the right
thing to do.

I had a neighbor (now thankfully moved away) who's dog used to
shi+ in my front yard. Bitch neighbor let it run around loose and
said not to worry about the dogcrap as "the rain would wash
it away". That gave me some inspriation. I went and put a
cap from a spray paint can into the lawn under a bush near
where Spot-the-Shi+dog liked to leave a deposit. The cap
was 1/4" below ground level so it was not readily visible.
I would fill it late at night so as nobody would notice, dip****s.
For the first few days I added sugar to the water that I filled
the cap with and ole Shi+dog would happliy lap it up after he
took a dump. Content he was now 'trained' to drink from my
cup-of-death, on day #5 I added a nice tablespoon of Prestone
to the water and ole Shi+dog lapped it up like it was gold. He came back
one more time and that was his last. That dog NEVER shi+ on my
lawn again and the bitch who owned shi+dog moved away 3 Months
later after she and her boyfriend started fighting. Last I heard he beat
the crap out of her someplace a few towns away. I could only hope
that my giving (now deceased) ****dog his "final daily drink" aided in
that tasty predicament.

Don't get mad......GET EVEN.