CB antenna for my house...Deed restriction...
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November 21st 05, 02:19 AM posted to
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CB antenna for my house...Deed restriction...
On 20 Nov 2005 02:24:11 -0800,
+Checking with a lawyer is probably good advice. Lotsw of verbiage that
+only other lawyers can easily understand.
+I would think that if a federal regulation were to have the effect of
+'nulling' a local ordinence then there is no reason or need for the
+local committie to 'alter' their regulations. They're already altered
+by federal mandate. No? I think you may have a valid point somewhere
+in there, but it escapes me. What are you saying?
+I live in a neighborhood that in the past has had deed restrictions.
+In order for the restrictions to survive there would have had to have
+been a vote taken and a board installed. This would have had to have
+taken place within one year of the last parcel of property being sold.
+Didn't happen and I have an antenna farm on my property.
+And - Since when have we moved CB into vhf spectrum? Wasn't OP
+talking of erecting a CB antenna? Where did VHF log periodic come
+from? Is this part of the point that I can't quite get a hold of?
The developement that I lived in had a clause stating "No outside
antennas" SInce all the dwellings in teh association were single
family houses, in effect the Communications Act of 1996 voided that
restriction. The assoiciation was until the time that I had left, had
never had a quorum at any annual meeting in order to revise or replace
that clause. So in effect there were no restrictions for any outside
antennae. I consulted with a lawyer on that and he confirmed that with
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